War Pony Energy

War Pony Energy (WPE) is a group of highly experienced people who are committed to providing the highest quality and value for drilling and well services.

WPE has a primary purpose to drill wells and service wells for related corporate, Metis, and First Nations assets.

The WPE Founders have experience in all aspects, technical, engineering, administrative, and field process.

WPE has focused on expanding its business to include all areas of environmental, oilfield, mining, and construction drilling services.

WPE is an Indigenous owned and operated business.

The Joint Venture

War Pony is a Joint Venture between Imola Holdings Inc. and Red Wolf Corporation.

Imola is a Calgary, AB based Oil and Gas business with oil production in the Provost, AB region. Imola has drilling plans for the Provost region and other areas in Central Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Red Wolf is an Indigenous owned corporation located in Fort McKay, AB with a business model that provides products and services to the oil and gas, mining, and food sovereignty sectors.

The resulting Joint Venture will be an Indigenous Corporation with over 54% Indigenous ownership.

War Pony has a hire local policy and is working with local schools and colleges to train and retrain the drilling crew workforce.

Our Purpose

WPE purpose is to be the premium supplier of drilling rigs in the Provost region, First Nations and Metis lands in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Colombia and other Provinces as required.


War Pony Energy (WPE) has the capabilities to operate drilling and service equipment, offering high quality, timely service and all for an excellent value and price point.

WPE is currently focusing on:

  • Acquiring an oil and gas drilling rig capable of drilling wells in the Provost, AB Region.
  • Acquiring an oil and gas drilling rig capable of drilling wells on First Nations lands and Metis Settlements.
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