Red Wolf has adopted a set of corporate social responsibility to ensure:
Red Wolf's commitment to corporate social responsibility is supported by several key programs which are explained by clicking on the tabs
Although not mandated by law for private companies, corporate governance helps to ensure the long-term success of all companies, public as well as private. It supports value creation, responsible business practices, and the accountability of management to shareholders. It provides the structure for setting and pursuing corporate objectives, while addressing the needs of the social, regulatory and market environments. It specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among all stakeholders, and provides the rules and procedures for corporate decision making. It also provides a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the actions, polices and decisions undertaken by the corporation.
Red Wolf Corporation has voluntarily adopted a corporate governance program that promotes corporate fairness, transparency and accountability. The strength of Red Wolf’s program is based on a proactive and flexible organizational structure, which is aligned with efficient policies and processes.
The key objectives of Red Wolf’s corporate governance program include the following:
Although not mandated by law for private companies, corporate governance helps to ensure the long-term success of all companies, public as well as private. It supports value creation, responsible business practices, and the accountability of Red Wolf, is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace that is safe and secure and which preserves and protects the health and wellbeing of our employees, contractors, visitors, the public, and the environment. We will achieve operational excellence through the consistent application of established health, safety and environmental loss control principles and practices and the effective adoption of new and evolving technologies. The following objectives form the basis of our health, safety and environmental policies, and are reflective of the core values of our organization:
As part of our mandate for achieving operational excellence, Red Wolf has designed a comprehensive Quality Management Program that will assist the company in attaining the highest possible level of performance. Integral to the success of this program is Red Wolf’s commitment to completing ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification within the first two years of operations. ISO certification provides the framework for increasing efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing corporate risk, and ultimately, increasing the value of the company for shareholders.
The oil and gas industry operates in an environment that is subject to a variety of risks, including the handling of flammable and explosive fluids (liquids and gases), often at high pressures, utilizing a variety of systems and processes. Accordingly, considerations for the safety of site personnel and the public are of paramount importance and achieving the highest levels of safety requires rigorous conformity to all required engineering, user and regulatory requirements. In addition, safeguarding the environment and protecting business continuity require the highest possible level of operational integrity. To meet these requirements, Red Wolf’s Quality Management Program will ensure that all necessary QA/QC policies, procedures and resources are implemented across all levels of the organization, and that all personnel understand and work towards defined and measurable operational objectives.
Through the implementation of ISO Standard systems, Red Wolf will be ideally positioned to document and address actual and potential non-conformances, not only internally but also those occurring externally in the company’s service and supply chain. Records of key performance indicators will also be kept and regularly audited and evaluated against internal and external criteria to determine the effectiveness of existing practices, and driving continual improvement in the company’s overall performance.