Red Wolf will provide an updated list of all partner organizations expected to play a key role in the development of RWC services and products, RWC carefully selects, analyzes and decides to engage partner organizations based on RWC’s goals and current business contacts.
Red Wolf is committed to supplying the following key services:
- Safety Training
- First Nation and Metis Project Advisors
- Indigenous Training
- Project Management
- Geotechnical Services
- Site Services
- Maintenance Services
- Oilfield and Water Treatment Chemicals
- Industrial Coatings and Treatments
- Geomatics Engineering and Surveying
- Specialty Oilfield and Water Treatment Equipment Rentals and Sales
- Water Recycling, Refining and Recovery
- Civil and Mechanical Engineering
- Commercial and Oilfield Construction
- Fuel Saving and Enhanced Performance Technologies
- Environmental Services and Project Management
- Safety and Fire Fighting Equipment and Services
- Oilfield drilling and workover services
- Food Sovereignty Projects